retention policy



Recruitment records


Application forms and CVs of applicants

Six months after notifying candidates of the outcome of the recruitment exercise

Interview notes of applicants

Six months after notifying candidates of the outcome of the recruitment exercise

Entitlement to work in UK checks

Six months after notifying candidates of the outcome of the recruitment exercise

Background checks of applicants

Six months after notifying candidates of the outcome of the recruitment exercise

Employee records

Applications forms and CVs of employees

Six years after employment ends

Interview notes of employees

Six years after employment ends

Background checks of employees

Six years after employment ends

Entitlement to work in UK checks

Six years after employment ends

Payroll details

Six years after employment ends

Benefits details

Six years after employment ends

Performance reviews

Six years after employment ends

Next of kin details

Six years after employment ends

Leave/absence records

Six years after employment ends

Training and development information

Six years after employment ends

Virtual learning online CPD records

Six years after employment ends

Pension arrangements

Six years after employment ends

Equal opportunities monitoring information

To be anonymised upon collection

Appropriate workplace adjustments details

Six years after employment ends

Information relating to legal disputes involving  employees

Six years following the last activity on the matter

Information relating to grievance or disciplinary hearings

Six years after employment ends

Volunteer records

Contact details

18months after last volunteering activity

Application forms and CVs

18months after last volunteering activity

Volunteer timetable

18months after last volunteering activity

Volunteer training

18months after last volunteering activity

Trustee records

Applications forms and CVs

Six years following the end of Trustee relationship

Interview notes

Six years following the end of Trustee relationship

Contact details

Six years following the end of Trustee relationship

Trustee meeting information


Service user records

Food bank voucher records

Six years following voucher date

Money Advice Service records

Six years following last contact with service user

Drop-in session records

Six years following last contact with service user

Food parcel records

Six years following last contact with service user

Household parcels records

Six years following voucher date

Housing and welfare rights referrals information

Six years following last contact with service user

Benefits referrals information

Six years following last contact with service user

Energy saving referrals information

Six years following last contact with service user

Employability referrals information

Six years following last contact with service user

Mental health support information

Six years following last contact with service user

Weekly wellbeing group for single parents information

Six years following last contact with service user

Walkie Talkies Group information

Six years following last contact with service user

Counselling referrals information

Six years following last contact with service user

Wellness workshop information

Six years following last contact with service user

Benefit application forms

Six years following last contact with service user

Grant application forms

Six years following last contact with service user

Debt advice and support information

Six years following last contact with service user

Bank account assistance records

Six years following last contact with service user

Case studies and testimonials

To be anonymised upon collection

Fundraising records

Direct marketing campaign records

Six years following last contact with donor

Donor management records

Six years following last contact with donor

Donor contact details

Six years following last contact with donor

Donor payments records

Six years following last contact with donor

Website donations

Six years following last contact with donor

Managing relationships with corp. partners

Six years following last contact with donor

Fundraising events records

Six years following the date of the event

Corporate records

Board minutes


Financial planning


Warehouse audit records


Transport management records

Three years

Property management documents/leasing documents


Employers/Public liability

40 Years

Accident Books/Reports

3 years after last entry or end of investigation if later

Financial Records

Purchase invoices

Six years after the end of the current period

Pensions contribution records


Actuarial Reports


Annual Accounts


Annual Reviews


Income Tax Records

Six years after the end of the current period

VAT records

Six years after the end of the current period

IT records

User account details

Six years after employment ends

IT security information

Ten years

IT support information

Six years after employment ends

E-referral system records

One year following last contact with service user

CCTV footage

30 days

Supplier contracts


One year after contract end