Following the First Minister’s announcement 04/01/2021 – to protect the health and wellbeing of our volunteers and clients, and to make sure that we can continue to provide a vital service during the COVID pandemic, we will be once again temporarily moving to a delivery service with effect from Friday 8th January. The delivery service will be available within the Edinburgh City Council boundaries.

Foodbank CLOSURES, from 08/01/2021, include: South Queensferry, Pilton, Clermiston, Grassmarket, Broughton, Prestonfield and Craigmillar. Tollcross will remain OPEN Monday 2pm-4pm and Thurs 10am-12noon, Central Hall, 2 West Tollcross, EH3 9BP.

Referrals received by 4pm (day 1), will be delivered the next working day (day 2). Referrals after 4pm (day 1) will be delivered the day after the next working day (day 3).

You must be registered with our new e-referral system to refer for a delivery. If you are referral agent and have not yet signed up to refer online, please email: [email protected] with your:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Role Title
  • Organisation
  • Address of organisation
  • Postcode of organisation